* History *
Nyingmapa Wishfulfilling Center for Study and Practice (NWC) was founded in 1974 by the Venerable Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche (* The Venerable Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche *) at the behest of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and under the spiritual guidance of the late HH Dudjom Rinpoche. NWC is historically significant as the first Dudjom Institute established outside of Tibet. As such, NWC promotes and preserves Tibetan Buddhist religion, philosophy and culture, with particular emphasis on all the sutras, tantras and traditions of the Nyingmapa and Dudjom lineages.

* About Us *
There are over 40 novice and ordained monks, ages 10 on up, who come from Tibet, Nepal and India. Once accepted at NWC, they receive a wealth of spiritual and educational opportunities. In addition to religious, cultural and philosophical studies, novice and ordained monks are given a well-balanced education that includes English, math and science. (* Study and Practice *)
In general, monks at NWC come from families who live below the poverty line as established by the World Health Organization. Students accepted at NWC thrive with the social services they receive: sanitary housing, adequate clothing, nutritous food and basic medical care in a loving, compassionate and nurturing environment. (*The Khetsun Foundation*)